Our Story

Welcome to Heeva Fabrics, where our passion for fabric goes beyond just selling. Step into our world, where stories are woven, and creativity flourishes.

Discover a Kaleidoscope of Colors and Patterns

We curate a diverse collection of fabrics. Each fabric tells a unique story, with vibrant colors and mesmerizing patterns that reflect the spirit, history, and cultural identity of the regions they originate from. The stories are further enhanced by the unique African perspective that emanates from the creations of different people.

Inspiring Creativity

At Heeva Fabrics, we believe that fabric is not just a material; it is a gateway to limitless creativity. We aspire to be more than just a supplier; we want to be a source of inspiration for artists, designers, and anyone with a passion for creating. Our team is always ready to share insights, recommendations, and provide guidance to help you bring your artistic visions to life. Let your imagination run wild as you explore our treasure trove of fabrics..

Community and Connection

We understand the power of community and the joy of connecting with like-minded individuals who share a love for fabric ,art and sewing. Join us on this journey as we foster a vibrant community of fabric enthusiasts. Be part of our exhibitions, events, and online forums where you can learn, exchange ideas, and forge friendships with fellow creatives. We are dedicated to creating a space where everyone feels welcome, valued, and inspired.

Beyond Fabric

While fabric is at the heart of what we do, our commitment to making a positive impact extends beyond. When you choose Heeva Fabrics, you are not just acquiring exquisite fabrics, but also contributing to a cause. Discover the stories woven into each fabric, the heritage that breathes life into every thread, and the boundless possibilities that await your creative endeavors. Join us on this extraordinary journey where fabric becomes art, and together, we celebrate the captivating world of textiles from an African perspective.

      We aim to supply individuals and design businesses with the very best fabric and related services in terms of quality and value; encouraging their creativity while promoting social and environmental responsibility. 

All of the fabric we stock and sell are properly labelled according to composition and fiber content, making it easy to match fabric to project.

Mission Statement

What we aim to do while sharing our love of sewing and fashion: 

  • Have a positive Impact on all our customers; individuals and small businesses.
  • Build relationships throughout the sewing community in Nigeria, and beyond.
  • Seek opportunities to give back to the society.
  • Strive continuously to be more sustainable.

Our Core Values